Some other web frameworks and platforms that you should possibly consider, instead of Moonstalk.
Lua Frameworks
- Sailor
An MVC framework that runs under Apache with mod_lua, Nginx with ngx_lua, or plain CGI with CGILua.
- OpenResty
«Turns the nginx server into a powerful web app server, in which the web developers can use the Lua programming language to script various existing nginx C modules and Lua modules and construct extremely high-performance web applications that is capable to handle 10K+ connections.»
- ngx_lua
«Embed the power of Lua into Nginx.»
«API that abstracts the web server from Lua web applications. By coding against WSAPI your application can run on any of the supported servers and interfaces (currently CGI, FastCGI). WSAPI's main influence is Ruby's Rack framework, but it was also influenced by Python's WSGI.»
- Orbit
«MVC web framework for Lua. The design is inspired by lightweight frameworks such as Camping and»
- WebMCP
«WebMCP is web application framework written in Lua and C. Instead of using the classical Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept, WebMCP makes use of a so-called Model-View-Action concept.»
- Ophal
«Ophal is a highly scalable web platform, easy to maintain, learn, extend and open to improvements.» Inspired by Drupal.
- Reactive Server Pages (Github)
«Bring some concepts of reactive languages to the realm of server-side web development.»
- luafcgid
«A multithreaded FastCGI server that runs under BSD/Linux. It manages a number of independent, persistent Lua states, that are then loaded with Lua scripts from the file system. The Lua scripts are also allowed to interface with the FastCGI libraries: thus providing an extremely fast, streamlined and lightweight platform from which to develop web-centric apps in Lua.»
- Mako Server
«A barebone web application server environment from which developers can design and implement complete, custom solutions […] optimized as a fast and compact web application server suitable for small CPU-constrained systems.»
- Web Wispers
«Distributed service-oriented Web development framework […] allows you to rapidly build scalable Web applications to be deployed on a cluster or wide-area network.»
- Haserl
«Dynamic web content in 20k […] a small program that uses shell or Lua script to create cgi web scripts. It is intended for environments where PHP or ruby are too big.»
- mod_lua
«Allows the server to be extended with scripts written in the Lua programming language. The extension points (hooks) available with mod_lua include many of the hooks available to natively compiled Apache HTTP Server modules, such as mapping requests to files, generating dynamic responses, access control, authentication, and authorization.»
The following are under development or are not yet officially released.
- Mercury
«Sinatra-like web framework (or DSL, if you like) for creating web applications in Lua, quickly and painlessly.»
- Tir (GitHub)
«The State Agnostic Lua Micro-Framework for Mongrel2.»
- Luvit
«asynchronous I/O for Lua — taking node.js' awesome architecture and dependencies and seeing how it fits in the Lua language.»
- Webylene
«MVC-ish web framework that tries to have a very small learning curve to get started, doesn't tie your arms behind your back.»
- LuaMVC
«MVC web framework for Lua.»
«MVC web-framework: lightweight & fast; simple & flexible API; complete solution for any REST web-service.»
Other Frameworks